
The first meal I ever cooked for my husband was so awful, I can’t believe we didn’t end up in the emergency room.

I honestly had no idea back then how to combine ingredients, how long to cook them for and worst of all, how much to serve. My lack of enthusiasm for cooking showed through in the final product.

I wasn’t trying to cook the most dismal meal just to get out of having to cook for someone. Honest. It just so happens that my husband enjoys cooking, is good at it and offered to cook from that day on.

Who was I to complain?

It would be another 15 years after that horrid meal, that I would find myself back in the kitchen. But this time, curiously flipping through our many cookbooks.

One day, I actually picked up the courage and made my first, edible meal for the family. And to my surprise, everyone loved it – including me!

From that day on, I discovered my new appreciation for cooking and baking. I don’t know what changed in me. Perhaps I matured. Perhaps I was motivated to learn something new. I don’t know.

Now I enjoy procrastibaking all the time. Not good for my deadlines but a great way to enjoy new recipes.

I marvel at those who can throw a dish together with leftovers. They know which flavours go together and can assemble a beautiful dish from their knowledge of food. I can’t do that. I openly admit it. No matter how many times I’ve cooked the same dish, I still rely on my trusty binder full of my favourite recipes to guide me through to the finished product.

Just because I’m not a recipe developer shouldn’t stop me from creating a Recipes section and share what I love and enjoy – cooking, baking and of course, eating!

So here is a collection of healthy, nutritious recipes from around the web. They are all plant-based and vegan and mostly all soy and gluten-free, require few ingredients and are easy-to-make in as little time as possible but packed with taste and nutrients. Plant-based diets are healthier for your body, the planet and do not harm any animals – the best kind. And if I can make them, you can too!
